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Case Study


Carbon Footprint Measurement and Management Dashboard, Reporting and Analytics Web App.


CBN-Expert approached TechChaps as a startup SaaS with a clear vision and mission: to empower organizations to measure, manage, and ultimately reduce their carbon footprint. This innovative solution (a wep app) aimed to revolutionize the way businesses track, understand, and mitigate their carbon emissions. The platform provides users with a user-friendly dashboard to input data, generate analytics, and even earn rewards through badges for sustainable practices. The platform offers extensive features including benchmarking, customizable reporting, and the ability to track progress over time. But CBN-Expert isn't just about data collection—it's about driving meaningful change. By guiding users through the process of understanding their carbon footprint and setting Net Zero goals, the platform empowers businesses to take concrete steps towards sustainability. CBN-Expert dispels the myth that sustainability initiatives are costly burdens. Instead, it emphasizes the tangible benefits of reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and enhancing brand reputation—all while contributing to the fight against climate change.

  • Type of Company: SAAS Startup

The Problem

It was essential to create an intuitive dashboard to streamline data input, analytics, and rewards, ensuring users could easily track and reduce emissions. Catering to diverse business needs added complexity. The platform had to accommodate various industries and operational structures while providing customizable reporting and goal tracking. Balancing this flexibility with user-friendly interfaces was incredibly important. Designing a robust database structure capable of handling vast amounts of emission data, project records, and financial impacts while ensuring security and scalability was crucial. The database needed to support seamless interactions, efficient storage, and rapid retrieval of information across different user levels.

  • Industry: Environmental Sustainability

Project Details

The Team

  • 1 IT Consultant
  • 1 Project Manager
  • 1 Designer
  • 3 Developers
  • 1 QA Tester

Project Details


      • VueJs
      • NodeJs
      • MySQL

The Solution

Our solution for CBN-Expert revolved around the development of a sophisticated Carbon Accounting Software integrated with a dynamic Dashboard. This software collates, measures, tracks, and reports carbon emissions across various business activities, providing users with a holistic view of their environmental impact. Central to our solution was the creation of an intuitive and customizable Dashboard, allowing users to visualize their carbon footprint data in real-time. Through interactive charts, graphs, and metrics, businesses can gain valuable insights into their energy usage and identify areas for improvement. Moreover, our solution facilitated seamless data entry and conversion, simplifying the process of recording and analyzing carbon emissions from different sources. With features such as multi-platform compatibility and customizable reporting dashboards, CBN-Expert offers unparalleled flexibility to align reporting with individual business needs. Additionally, our solution included advanced analytics capabilities, enabling users to conduct in-depth analysis and generate comprehensive reports on their sustainability performance. From prior period comparisons to full Scope 3 and SECR reporting, CBN-Expert empowers businesses to make informed decisions and track their progress towards carbon neutrality.

  • Link:
The Solution

Main Features and Functionalities

Analytics and Reporting Dashboard

Dashboard to visualize changes in carbon footprint over time. Customizable reporting for in-depth analysis.

User Access Levels

Role-based access control for different user types. Secure authentication and data access protocols.

Onboarding Wizard

Guided setup process for new users. Seamless integration for easy adoption.

Net Zero Strategy

Set and track goals for achieving Net Zero status. Measure performance towards sustainability targets.

Data Management

Mass upload reports for efficient data management. Robust database structure for secure storage and retrieval.

Carbon Accounting

Collate, measure, track, and report carbon emissions. Full Scope 3 Reporting and SECR Reporting capability.

Rewards and Badges

Reward system to incentivize sustainable practices. Badges for achieving environmental milestones.

Customization Options

Customizable emissions categories to align with business operations. Selectable carbon intensity metrics for tailored reporting.


Request a Demo

Schedule a meeting with us in which we demo our software to you and answer any questions on how we can tailor our sulotions to meet your business and development needs.

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    • We promptly respond to you, aiming to discuss your project in detail. We sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with you.

    • We provide you with a project proposal in which we clearly outline the scope of work, development workflow, development stages, time and cost estimates for each stage.

    • We arrange a meeting with you to discuss the project proposal in-depth, addressing any questions or concerns you may have.

    • Once the project scope, deliverables, timeline, and budget have been agreed upon, we sign a contract and start working on your project.

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